The Violent Blue blog***Comics, Horror and Pop Culture***Updates Tuesday through Friday (and occasionally at random)

Archive for June 5, 2024

Trick or Treat (no, not that one. No, not that one either)

Trick-or-treat starts with gorgeous displays at an amusement park, a sort of Coney Island strip. It’s night time and the lights are spectacular. Kids trick-or-treat over at our house and we settled in on the unhappy father in that house. He’s lost his job in the music industry, and has a newborn daughter, and no sense of identity. He’s kind of lost himself. And his wife is about fed up with his self pitying attitude
Suddenly the door is banging, it’s his drunk driving friend who thinks he may have just killed somebody.

Problem is it’s all a lie. And somebody killed with a local gang Lord’s son… The local gang or that used to employ with him in our hero, his brother.
The local Gang Lord of course comes knocking, searching for his brother, and it turns into a night of fleeing from them and trying to figure out what to do. But there’s a twist… The brother is sleeping with the wife.

I’m gonna be honest here, a little annoyed by the beam switch. Everything on the cover here is designed to let me think this is a horror movie. And indeed we have some scary touches, our league character occasionally sees the Grim Reaper… But it’s really just old age and dissatisfaction with life closing in on him – much like the red dragon in the Fisher King. This movie is actually a gangster movie. It’s all a mob drama, i’m genuinely not a bad one, but that’s the sort of intrigue we’re dealing with. This is one of those movies I think I want to revisit someday, in the right frame of mind… When I’m in the mood for a mafia doublecrossed fan, rather than another Halloween horror movie.


essentialPosting the best strips from the series, in order from the beginning.

Every Wednesday and Friday