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Archive for June 6, 2024

Maximum Force

Maximum Force starring Sam Jones. This is going to be painful. Yes, I know John Saxon’s in it too, but this thing is still going to be rough. It opens with a scruffy dude observing eight arms deal, he gets caught it’s chased by a helicopter, fortunately he’s got one of those grenade launchers attached to the bottom of his rifle and blows it up.

Big bold letters with the title MAXIMUM FORCE! And then we shift over to villainous Richard Lynch giving a speech to his cronies. Lynch is one of the guys that has a face… I seen that guy! Gasket on just about every show in the 70s and 80s, He’s bragging about being behind all the organize crime in the city, he’s having problems with the cops… Someone’s blaming someone asked me. We get an execution, in the middle of the board room.

We get our first glimpse up to Sam Jones when he walks in a nightclub, giving the bouncer a hard time. Jones is playing a cop which is enough to get him immediately into a fight,  our introduction to his character.

Elsewhere, his costar is posing as a hooker and takes down the local pimp with kicks, punches and finally a couple of quick gunshots.
It turns out that John Saxon is thier Nick fury! Turns out, they all have a beef with Lynch’s character, and Saxon is going to bring them together… so maybe they can accomplish together what they haven’t been able to do separately. The three of them join forces, and they hold up in a smoky abandoned building to prepare.
While I’ll admit I am amazed by Sam Jones amazing jump rope skills, we’re a half hour into the movie and haven’t really done anything. Even when Saxon sneaks back in out of the shadows, and drops a bunch of ninjas with glow sticks on them for training, we haven’t progressed the plot any.
About halfway through the movie they finally head out to get some dirt on lunch from the various low lifes in the city. That’s a little strange to me, because I could’ve sworn they were tracking him down already individually.I bet, they start putting pressure on the organization, confiscating cash from the The fight club, arresting the hookers and generally getting themselves noticed. It’s enough to make Mickey Rooney have a chat with Saxon to try and call the team off.
We pause from the mayhem to get Sam Jones backstory, just before Richard lunch send skins to the warehouse space. It’s all bullets and exploding RC cars, and we lose Saxon and shaggy. That means it’s time for them to take the bottle to launch and assault his office building in the climax of fists, feet, gun shots and the occasional fire extinguisher.
It’s everything you think it is. Though I’ll admit, it wasn’t nearly as bad as I expected. I can take or leave it, and getting it in this box set from the dollar store? Sure.