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Posts tagged “Robert Patrick

Zero Tolerance

Zero Tolerance starts with Robert Patrick’s name on the marquee and then opens to a hockey rink. As long as this doesn’t turn into Sudden Death, I’m hoping I’ll be OK… Of course I also see Mick Fleetwood in the cast to you and Miles O’Keeffe at the end (how much Keith is in this film anyhow? Miles O’Keeffe !)This is going to be some interesting cheese I suspect.

A black car rolls into Mexico, and some men in smart suits head into the prison, FBI agents ready to take custody of their prisoner. I’m amused because Robert Patrick would be an FBI agent later on The X-Files as well. I kind of like to think of this as a prequel…

Dirt bikes roll up on FBI agents car, followed by a truck with men wielding guns. Patrick shoots down the bad guys, but loses his car in the process and the villain, drug kingpin ray manta (someone obviously thought that was clever) escapes.

Hours later, manta coordinates and salt on mattress hotel room as well as his family back home. Manta needs Patrick to get him back into the US and help him deliver a package (fancy new fictional drugs that will be divided amongst the for crime families) as quickly and easily as possible, holding his family against that task.

But once the shipment is delivered, Patrick discovers that he was lying. His family is dead, and when he returns to his home, manta sent a team after him as well. It’s enough to set him off on a rampage of vengeance against the whole white hand organization, Transforming him into two fisted with an a vengeance in blue jeans and white sneakers (Actually those are the exact same cons that I wore when I was in high school… which tells you a little bit about the budget of this movie. They are the sneakers that you buy when you can’t afford Nikes.) First off, he’s heading to Las Vegas to begin his killing spree. Tracking down each of the bosses in turn, while his night partner tries to track him down and talk sense into him, (driving the same Ford escort that I drove in college… There’s that budget again!).

After hitting the Las Vegas boss, the New Orleans boss is next and I kept looking at this guy and I could swear I seen them before. In fact, I just seen him in Maximum Force… The Sam Jones vehicle also included in this movie set. This guys been around for a while though, anytime you need a hood that looks like Bob Marley, this is the guy you cast. I’ve seen them in Automan and others over the years, he’s good, but definitely has a specific look.

By the time Patrick takes out the third bad guy, the heat is on, and he gets nicked the next night… Last two gangsters use this as the excuse to take him out on the way to the police station. He drives a police car through an exploding helicopter which is insane to do any damage to anybody and onto our finale.

I love Robert Patrick but the man is not a leading man, and it really shows here. Dylan, they managed to hit all the action beats though there’s a bit of a shortage on big weenies and you can tell that they only had a medium budget. It’s very much late night UHF fair, exactly the sort of thing I’d expect to see on TV on a Sunday afternoon.