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Posts tagged “St Agatha

Saint Agatha

I bought Saint Agatha based largely on the strength of a cover. I like Catholic horror, usually very demonic-based, hauntings and  Spectral possesion, The cover is creepy, faceless nuns in front of a penitent victim. The problem is, the movie is not like that at all.

It’s the story of a young woman in 1958 who is unwedand pregnant. She arrives at convent seeking help to get the baby delivered, with the intention of keeping it, and hopefully reuniting soon with the father. Her history and backstory are told and flashbacks nightmares and various dreams or visions. It’s reasonably straightforward, but stretched out for the entire film in the way they only give us a bit at a time.
In the convent, we have announce who have actually been just communicated. The film kind of goes wrong for me. It isn’t a horror film, it’s rather more along the lines of torture porn light. It’s not so much they’re going for blood and gore…. It’s more about the horror of the cruelty when you consider the nuns aren’t really nuns anymore, but rather a bunch of shysters in the business of luring in vulnrable women, giving birth, selling their babies, and then either telling them the child died or outright killing the mother. Interesting story, but it’s not what I’m into. I’m sure there’s an audience for it, but quite frankly I’m not it, probably getting dumped back to record exchange or someplace like that