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Posts tagged “The Haunting of Borley Rectory

The Haunting of Borley Rectory

After a flash of horrific warfare in World War I, we get a shot with a couple of psychics coming back to the Morley rectory before it was demolished. One of them wistfully talks about Love at first sight, and the feeling that one of the spirits… A male spirit is back. We come back in time and come to the soldier we get started getting moving in. The rectory is going to be a listening point, but he doesn’t yet know that it’s haunted by a ghostly greasepaint nun.

Visions and bad dreams plague him. Gradually, he becomes aware of the presence in the house, and seeks out information. The haunting is well under way now. Before the war, the caretakers and was looking after the house, preparing to move in when he got married. Whispering in the air and praying in the distance in the house, and then one day, she saw her standing in the doorway. As quick as she saw it, it was gone. But it was a bad omen.

Cut to him finding the books he needs, but he’s interrupted by his commanding officer paying a visit. The CO is worried about his drinking, but it’s an important listening post.

Slowly the hauntings increase and the present starts to intrude on the past, merging into a haunting nightmare.

This is one of the better films of it”s kind, and I kind of dig  that the director, Steven Smith, frequently works with Lousia Warren. It may not be a buy, but it’s a good one if you happen to come across it on a streaming service like Tubi or even youtube.