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2001 Maniacs : The Curse of the Confederacy




Two Thousand Maniacs franchise

What do you mean there’s a 2001 maniacs comic book??? Man, that’s kind of wild. But once I got my hands on it, you can see for sure that this absolutely fits in with the reboot. That’s definitely Robert Englund visage on the front cover, and the writer on the comic is the same as the writer in the movie.

This isn’t strictly a new story, but it’s also not an adoption. It’s basically a prequel to the movie, showing the actual overrun of Pleasant Valley by the union in great and gory detail. You’re gonna recognize the characters here, not just that their voices are correct, but the likenesses are dead on as well. Somebody studied the actors and knew exactly what the costumes look like… They’ve got everything set to match up not only with the first movie, but with the second as well… At least as far as costume design had gotten by that point. It’s still Robert Englund face as the mayor, at the time, no one knew he was going to be replaced by Bill Mosley in field of screams. However, a lot of this art would be reused in the title credits of that film, with mostly his head drawn over Englunds.

The style fits right in as well, there’s absolutely as much gore and nudity going on here as what you see in the films. If you’re really digging this revival series, then the comics going to be a perfect companion piece, and it’s really a must have.

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