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Archive for February 20, 2024

Demon Hole

Demon Hole opens with a quotation from Leviticus… You shall not sacrifice any of your children to Molock. Between that and the drill that is headed towards buried skulls, I am already WAY on board.
A girl explores the cave,  just before something grabs and drags her in.
On the other side of the credits we have Luce, a young woman who is homeless and on the run from her pervy foster Dad. She’s doing community service with a group on secret Indian land, near the cave that houses our pointy tooth monster. It doesn’t take long for them to realize they’re not alone… and lost.

While the rest of the reprobates go explore a rundown cabin and drug den, Luce heads up on her own in the rocks and leaves of the wilderness. She finds weird things like a whole full of spikes and gets a glimpse of someone in a cave. But as darkness falls, she’s got to seek shelter and heads back to the abandon cabin where everyone else is getting stoned.

Suddenly, the princess of the group starts to utter the words I am molock. As fast as the possession comes on, it leaves… With her serving us as both victim and doomsayer. One of the other girls pops up with a sudden about a type of thing… Whereas another character slowly becomes transparent. Outside of Black shape watches the cabin.

A couple start pairing off, with the demon making its influence known at some of the more intimate moments. Outside one of our characters falls into a pit of spikes as a stranger in a black parka watches on. Another she moves in the darkness, something far more sinister.
The group goes off to look for their missing compatriot and find some selves at the drill site from the beginning. Everybody is dead… Killed in a fairly bloody manner. The dude in the black hood is back, looking fairly normal, but acting crazy. He has the first girl before they can tie him up. Once he comes to, he proceeds to give the expedition. He guards the cave… But he’s not sure how long he’s been out here… The demon messes with you. It changes things, sometimes the oil rig is there sometimes it’s not. Time goes weird and if you listen, you can hear his voice. All of it designed to Lure you into the hole… The powers, the voices, everything. And once you go into the hole, Molock will take your body and use it to make his way into the real world… And kill whoever he wishes. Only way they can stop it is to blow up the mouth of the cave… But no lock is on the move and ready to fight them tooth and nail… And boy does he have some big teeth!

I feel like this film has influences from Blair witch and the dissent, but it doesn’t necessarily wear them on it. It integrates them into its own narrative creating something low rent but reasonably fun. It’s a Friday night VHS rental, Saturday afternoon convention film and definitely worth the watch.