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Astral begins with a bored housewife hanging herself inexplicably, then moves into some very nice looking credits over drawings of ancient people and demons.
On the other side of it we’re at a college talking about multi dimensional existence… Which leads to some speculation in astral projection. It amost feels like a lower budget version of the opening scene from Prince of darkness. The teacher is encouraging, particularly when one of the students comes back and asks about it… But at the same time acts as our doomsayer. He warns against the dangers as well. By the time we finish our first act, we firmly established our definitions and premise. So now, it’s time to make the attempt.

Our main character Alex, ditches a house party that evening to sit in his dorm and attempt to project. We get some glory blue light imagery, reminiscent of Flatliners… And the comparison continues when Alex comes to his friends and tells him he’s achieved production. They want proof, so they set up a test in the next night. Video captures a pendulum swinging wildly, but they were on convinced and said the same test for the second night. The same thing happens, but this time there’s also a black shadow over the bed… and now, he’s not the only one seeing the shadow.
As a shadow people multiply, Alex seeks help from a psychotherapist… And it just so happens this is a man who treated his mother (The woman who hung herself at the beginning of the movie). He believes that things are only about to get worse.

He’s right. They’re everywhere now, following both him and Alex… Dwelling in the dark and ever present. It’s more than the shrink can handle, so Alex‘s next stop is a claravoyant. She is terrified by what he’s brought with him… The shadow people are swimming around him trying to take him over. The only way to cash it out is to combine their energies and name the thing (she has a Ouija board conveniently carved into her table… Somethings she reveals when she takes off the table cloth). Together, the three of them steal them selves or a final showdown with the shadow people.
Astral is well short with good performances in some gorgeous locations. There’s an intelligent story here and while I see influence and homage, he doesn’t wear them on his sleeve. It doesn’t revel in them. It’s biggest problem, is that it fails to be frightening. It’s not really spooky as much as it is intriguing. I’m never bored, I definitely feel engaged and committed to the characters, But at the same time it never manages to truly creep me out. If you’re looking for a good scare, this may not be in a movie for you. Astral is a good film when you’re in the mood for some supernatural fiction.

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